Friday, March 24, 2006

Dressing Up

Is a sure-fire way of getting my attention. I'm very happy the occasion for boys to wear tuxes doesn't come along very often, because that would be crazy. As is, I think tuxes are the suavest, nicest things on basically anyone. Even I look good in a tux. The only person on whom I despise a tuxedo is James Bond, and I pretty much hate him anyway.

So the sad thing is that we don't live in the 1800s, and there are few reasons to dress up these days (except church.) Sometimes I just want to pin my hair up all elaborate and wild and wear a formal dress. It's just one of those things. It's hard not to feel pretty when you are so shiny. But these opportunities to look / feel glamourous are few and far in between. Sad day for the fashion industry, and sad day for Brittany!

Kendall, I think this is the time for us to play dress-up at the mall.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Are pretty much the best things ever invented.

Here are some of my favorite hugs:

1. The movie star hug.
2. The hug you get when a boy unexpectedly comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. of my personal favs.
3. The "I'm happy and I'm going to throw my arms around your neck" hug.
4. The pick-me-up and twirl me hug.
5. The "good night, our date was totally awesome can I see you again?" hug.
6. The "I want to kiss you, but I'll hold back for now" hug.
7. The crying into Boy's shoulder hug.
8. The "I can hear your heartbeat" hug. Sigh, love this one too.
9. The "leaning" hug. Best for kitchens.
10. The hug-into-kiss-back-into-hug hug.
11. The I love you but can't say it otherwise hug.
12. The I'll miss you hug.
13. The hug that doesn't really end, you just sort of wind up holding each other and talking while standing hug.
14. The I don't ever want to let you go hug.
15. The "how did I ever find someone like you?" hug.
16. The little kid / baby snuggle up to your chest hug.

Not such a fan of:

1. The pat on the back hug. Nearly as annoying as the head pat.
2. The doorstep scene "I can't wait for this date to be over, so why are you hugging me?" hug.
3. The "which one of us smells funny?" hug. This one is most alarming.
4. The "oh no...he's going to kiss me and I don't wanna kiss him!" hug. This happened once in high school...
5. The half-hearted hug.
6. The "I'm a popular girl, let's hug for the sake of looking cool" hug.
7. The virtual / digital "consider yourself hugged via email cause I'm lazy" hug.

Anyway, that's my thoughts on that for today. I think I need a hug. Preferably from the first list. Where is my boyfriend?

Friday, March 17, 2006

Nail Polish

As a matter of fact, I'm not really sure why girls paint their fingernails. The nail solution smells horrid, kills brain cells, and is most likely bad for the environment. That and almost the second you paint your nails, it starts chipping. You look good for a few hours, which Boy won't notice anyway, and then you have these strips of colour marring your otherwise lily-white, pure hands. It's like you're trying to look unpresentable. If ever I had a job interview, I would completely clean my nails, trim them, and make sure they were devoid of all color. It's supposed to be one of those power tactics -- clean, non-rough, warm hands are supposed to make a big impression at interviews, if only subconsciously. Ask Dad. He's the one who told me so. He said if your hands are cold or dirty before an interview, you should always go to the restroom and wash them in warm water.

Anyway, back to the issue at hand. Painting toenails is a completely different story, since I'm a big advocate of doing it. Again, I'm not really sure why. It's not like I want people to look at my feet. Feet are gross. I'm not saying this because I live with Rachel who has a serious vendetta against the Foot in general, I'm just saying that aesthetically speaking, feet are not the most pleasing to the eye. I guess having painted toenails slightly alleviates the offensive nature of the toe in general. And it gives me something to do with that extra five minutes between listening to CDs and dinner, or the break between Lord of the Rings: I and Lord of the Rings II.

I think I should market scented toenail polish that makes your feet smell like lilacs and inhibits mal-odor in every way.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


My mother once told me that there are few things more attractive to a woman than the smell of clean laundry. I think her power of suggestion is incredibly strong, because I fully agree with her. I love the smell of laundry detergent and the smell of soaps like Irish Spring (Icy Blast is the best...almost out of control!). Colognes that smell fresh are also a plus. None of this musk reminds me of gym class. If a boy wants to get my attention, all he really has to do is rub soap on his skin and walk by. For sure my head will turn in a maximum of fifteen seconds.

So what is it about the laundry-fresh smell that drives women crazy? According to research, it's supposed to create a mental link of getting things done. Clean laundry = wife has done the housework. Wife has done housework = husband is happy. Husband is happy = wife has fulfilled gender role. It's really all quite basic, but I think it says a lot. I know for me, fresh smells and clean rooms make it easier for me to study, relax and feel happy. I like clean clothes, especially pajama pants straight from the dryer. The fuzzy feeling of fleece is also a plus, and make me want to snuggle.

So today's resolve is to go out and buy the new flavor of Tide: Tide with Febreeze. My euphoria was needless to say off the scale when I found out this product exists. How to make it mine?... hmm.

Grocery shopping

Is so much more fun when you go with a boy.

Grocery shopping, for the female, is fulfilling. It's hard to explain. Although it's just satisfying basic alimentary wants through monetary means, it goes beyond that. When you're shopping with a boy, odd as it sounds, you feel like you are making important decisions, and you are making them together. Whether there is a romantic spark between you or not, it's like being married without a title. You take into a account his opinion, add it to your own, and make a purchase. It sounds like rocket science, but it's not.

What I think is fun when shopping is trying to find the best deals. It's a way to basically show off all the good things you hopefully learned from your mother (or feign to have are they going to know the difference?). And in return, Boy will be adequately impressed with Girl's good sense and economy.

I'm all about these little details in dating and in life. This may sound like I've gone completely south of sane, but I know at least Kendall agrees with me. Going to Macy's sometimes can be a funner date than going to a nice dinner somewhere else. It's all about your company and the conversations you are able to have. I bet some boys would love to know the fundamental principles involved in the wonder of inexpensive dating...


Today's favorite thing about dating:

Doing homework together.

It's not so much that I like doing homework. On the contrary, I'd rather stare at the wall, watch a movie, go to dinner or paint. But homework is a relentless and omnipresent part of student life, and it must be addressed. So I love it when my boyfriend brings his homework over. Then we can both sit on the couch and study (semi-productively), knowing we're getting to spend quality time together while actually doing the work we're supposed to. It's nice. And after all, if my boyfriend weren't there, I'd probably find some way to distract him from his studies--whether on AIM or through my amazing mental powers that make him think of me. Not that I'm immune to any of that... It's way easier for me to concentrate with Boy there than otherwise, because I don't have to wonder where he is. This limits daydreaming, helps me complete my task, and makes me happy because I know that he's not stressed out as much about balancing the girlfriend and the studies. Plus, there is the perpetual promise of those nice little five-minute breaks for food and sparkling conversation. Ingenius! I'm amazed I didn't think of this sooner...

Monday, March 13, 2006

Welcome to Miss Kendall's House

Which is really a site I created while sitting next to Miss Kendall because she needs a blog. Everyone needs a blog. It's the law of nature. Like everyone should have a phone. Except I have no phone. I just bum calls off of other people. I guess one could say I'm kind of a hobo, but I don't eat chili out of cans, and I don't carry stuff around in a knapsack. On the contrary, I carry it around in a super uber-cool Vic.'s Secret bag. Now aren't you in awe of how cool I am? Figures. It's a natural primary reaction. Wait until you see my paperclip collection. Then I'd really have to stave off all your wiles.

But anyway, I'm sure as you've guessed, this site is for...random jibberish. Whatever I feel like posting. Which will probably entail a lot of dating advice, through the eyes of Kendall.

It is mandatory for you to post comments. I'm sure I could find some creepy way of tracking you down should you choose to view and not comment. It's just downright dishonest and will incur dishonor on you, your cow, and yo' whole family!