Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mr. Darcy Stare?

The "look" can be summarized in a few words from Nicholas Nickleby:

Fanny: "We don't need words...if you could only see the way he looked at me."

Tilda: "Did he look at you like this? If he did, you're engaged. That's the way John looked at me."

John Browdie: "I hope it was better than that, or thee'd have run to the hills!"

I was thinking about this yesterday as I was talking to Lindsay's cat. My feline friend was gazing deep into my eyes while I was talking and every time aforementioned kitty looked deep in my eyes, it would put its nose against my mouth. I was like, hmm...this cat is subconsciously obsessed with kissing me. It's completely oblivious to anything else I'm saying.

And then the idea struck.

I should learn how to do that "look."
The wisdom of this simpering feline may benefit us all.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Lure

There are few things that will convince me to eat in the morning. One is the smell of fresh fruit; one is my dog biting at my pajama pant leg to get me out of bed and feed her; and one is a well-dressed and mysteriously attractive (tall, dark and handsome) man showing up at my door with roses (insert alternate flower here) and frozen birthday cake. That about completes the list.

And then today happened.

They were just sitting there on the table. That box, with the morning sun scintillating off its cardboard and ink surface... Stephen had forgotten to return it to the cupboard ... fool.

There was no one around except el chupeneibre. And so I gave in.

And ate a full bowl of Golden Grahams before the crunch had time to escape.

Yes Jon, you were right all along.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Pros and Cons

Con: Moving day.
Pro: Possibility of food as reward for moving day.
Con: Heavy lifting.
Pro: Uberhot muscles formed by heavy lifting.
Con: Getting Brian's hud together and putting it into Angry Johnny's truck.
Pro: Getting Brian's hud outta my house.
Con: Trying to move stuff with neighbor girls wanting to have tea party.
Pro: Crumpets.
Con: Don't know what crumpets are.
Pro: Dog eats crumpets.
Con: Moving the crumpet-filled dog to access furniture.

So I don't know if I even out in the end or not, but if anyone would like (puppy dog eyes) to help us move Brian and Lindsay into their apartment in Orem tonight, that would be a good thing and you'd prolly qualify yourself for heavenly blessings. We'll be starting around 5 or 6.

It will be the social event of the season.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Small Wonder

So since I've been home, I have somehow dropped five pounds. I don't know where it went. I can't find it. But I weighed myself this morning, and I was TINY.


Soon I'll be Calista Flockhart or Emmy Rossum small.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

April showers bring May flowers

And they have a whole website dedicated to it. Fasn8n, really.

Does anyone know why is it generally socially unacceptable for girls to give flowers to boys? Sometimes I really want to, but this stigma in my head slaps my hands and says no.

Or better yet, could someone tell me the masculine equivalent to flowers? I don't want to give power tools, but...

Monday, May 08, 2006

An Ideal Husband

A BYU professor once said:

"If you find a person who fits 80%
of your needs or expectations,
you have a small miracle--
and should do all you can to hold onto them.
Guys, this ought to give you some encouragement. Why? Because women have a prefabricated set of qualifications mapped out for the men they date. Girls, I know you all made those lists in Young Women's. You know, the 45 traits your future husband absolutely must have in order to qualify as a candidate for your affections. We all have those little lists floating around somewhere, and most of them are nearly impossible to fulfil.

I found several of those lists today, as well as one of those "Letters to my Future Husband" that Mia Maid leaders encourage you to write before being old enough to date. I read the letter. It was pretty sappy. But hopelessly romantic, too. I don't know if I'd give it to my future husband or not, he'd prolly die laughing and then kiss me out of sympathy. And then I'd burn the letter.

I think I should post one of those "lists," though, and see how it compares to other girls' lists. It would be funny to see, and give guys and opportunity to see how spasmodically complicated the female mind is, even in the teen years. Pardon: especially in the teen years. I'll have to do that later today...

Monday, May 01, 2006


Sounds like a Star Wars midget-planet.

This week I started my summer workout routine. There's an awful lot of unused muscle floating around my little self, and I should do summat about that. Then I can look nice in a prom gown...except I'm not going to prom anytime soon.

And so I have a specific plan to improve:

biceps-weights, pushups
quads, gastocnemius-running

I've got my work cut out for me. But I think this will minimize the "I can't stand one more minute indoors" mood I'm currently undergoing. I hate this mood.

Endorphins rule. Job searches bite. I'm sore from exercising!