Wednesday, January 31, 2007


"Have you noticed anything peculiar?"
"You know, moping about, daydreaming, talking to herself...? You haven't noticed?"
-King Triton and Sebastian, The Little Mermaid

I have the itching suspicion that me singing, humming and dancing around lately may have a lot to do with the pleasant company I'm keeping.

Just saying.

And I am nominating my eyelashes to be the CEO of my flirtation department, since they have taken control of nearly all my facial expressions of late.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

A double whammy

I decided that if Celine Dion and Josh Groban were ever to get together and have a concert, it would be something akin to a Mt. Vesuvius for menfolk. No. More like the atom bomb for the y-chromosome in general.

Ms. Dion, Bro. Groban: please don't nix all the y-chromosomes. Girls hate each other as it is, with very few exceptions (no one hates the Brittany!) and this social angst will only get worse if you have a concert together.

And it is a moral duty-nay, obligation-of radio stations everywhere not to play Celine Dion love songs in the same hour as Josh Groban love songs. Reports of people trying to drown themselves in water coolers are starting to circulate.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Its five-year explore new life

Yes I am blogging about Star Trek. I caught a glimpse of the Original Series today, and was simultaneously intrigued, disturbed and mesmerized at the same time.

You see, Cap'n Kirk, (who is the younger brother of this man) was making out with alienesque life-form played by one of those beehive-haired women of my parents generation, and it was kind of weird. They weren't talking about alien things. I think they were trying to seduce each other. I was like...huh. So that's how guys do things in the 22nd / 24th century. And he was saying the cheesiest things imaginable between fits of osculation where he smashed her mouth into her nose. I wonder if that's what silly putty feels like?

Note to trekkies: yes, girls probably want to be kissed like that. Provided they have breathing intervals within which you tell her cheesy things that make her brain evaporate.

Evaporate like that other UGLY alien who got zapped by the phaser which was only supposed to be set to STUN but in reality fried ugly alien into a platonic existence.

The point is, if you have big hair, hunky intergalactic space-men will want to seduce you with cheesy words, only because you work for the enemy and are eventually going to get ZAPPED.

The End.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

You've Lost Your Queen! ... That's twice in one day!

The Swan Princess is kind of an annual ritual for Kendall and me. We have to wait for that pivotal moment...Derek and Odette are dancing in the grande ballroom and Derek proposes...kind of.

Derek: Arrange the marriage!
Odette: Wait!
Derek: What is it? You're all I've ever wanted. You're beautiful!
Odette: Thank you...But what else? Is beauty all that matters to you?
Derek: Uh...what else IS there?

Single most effective words ever spoken to put a man in the dog house. But for K & me, it's really just hilarious. Ken has too many boys telling her she's pretty--in fact, that's usually the first thing they say in asking-out. They're missing out on a little redheaded firecracker, I can tell you that. And then there's Lou. She's one of the most amazing girls I know...but boys are scared by her energy and intelligence. I don't really get it, but then again I'm not a boy.

Anyway, with the advent of homecomings and preference and whatnots, I'd like to dedicate Martina McBride's This One's for the Girls! to all my sistas out there who maybe feel a little like Odette. And in the hopes that, as in the end of the Swan Princess, your "Derek" comes to his senses. And even if he doesn't, just to know that you are beautiful beyond measure.

This one's for the girls who've ever had a broken heart
Who've wished upon a shooting star
You're beautiful the way you are
This one's for the girls who love without holding back
Who dream with everything they have...

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Despite the fact that I don't really care for Paula Abdul in her role as pantocrator of American Idol, I do like her music. Like the song "Straight Up." I found it on the family MediaDrive this morgen, and it's got some good lyrics ('man.)
I've been fooled before, wouldn't like to get my love caught in the slammin' door, How 'bout some inspiration please? Straight up now tell me, do you really want to love me forever, or am I caught in a hit-and-run?
Sometimes I like songs that pay it forward like that. ;) Not heinous ones like "God Must've Spent a Little More Time on You." (sorry...anime again!)

That song makes me feel a lot like Galatea under Pygmalion's hand. I believe I'd rather have someone know my faults and love me more because I've tried to overcome those defects than turn me into the ideal woman who cannot, would not, ought not make a mistake. We're all striving toward perfection, and we help each other toward that goal. Negating faults and pretending we're already at the peak of our potential stunts us.

Not that we should always be reproving, either. Like Frank Sinatra's "Funny Valentine."

Is your figure less than Greek? Is your mouth a little weak? When you open it to speak, are you smart?... but don't change a hair for me, not if you care for me...
What I'm getting at is that I need someone who can pull me to higher ground when he's there, and who will let me help him to higher ground when I'm there. And when we're both there, we can walk together. I am a huge supporter of the idea of an eternal companion. Not my missing "half" but my missing whole. Two people who work intricately as a single cell but retain each's own respective and unique characteristics and spark of spirit.

Kind of like this song. Again, sorry about the anime... :)

I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile, you take my hand, you've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Back from the Dead

Well, sort-of. I just haven't had anything to write on this blog for a while, or at least not a lot I wanted the www to know.

Anyway, I'm actually going to relate a quasi-boy experience as it applies to the 5-year anniversary of September 11:

I was watching the news feed when the second plane hit. I saw everything, even the faux pas the news made in showing people jumping out of the windows to avoid the flames. It was horrifying. I live near a military airport, and I remember how quiet the sky was for about a week afterwards, and how eerie it was the first time I heard a plane in the sky again. But most of all, I remember worrying about my friend on the West Coast.

It shouldn't have been something to worry about. He was on the wrong side of the country. But I thought if the planes could get us in New York, what was keeping them from California? Thankfully Rob called me later that night and we talked for a long, long time. He had been worried about me all day, waiting to get off of work to call me, even though he knew there was even less chance of an attack in Utah than Cali. The first thing he asked me was, "I know this is silly, because you're in Utah, but are you all right?"

We were scared. Scared about his mission. Scared for the United States. Scared for the Church. Scared of everything. Most of all, I remember talking to him and finally feeling some comfort knowing he was safe and knowing he was worried about me in return. It was a good feeling on a day that otherwise would be a blot in my memory.

No matter what happens, we have good memories of those we've lost. No matter what they have done or said, these memories make it worth the time. It's like Kendall always says,

People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But they will never forget the way you made them feel.

On September 11, 2001, I felt like one of the most important people in America.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

"You will not have room to receive it"

"You haven't been sleeping lately."

He didn't start the conversation with small talk. Just an assertion. I looked at him for a minute with an awestruck face betraying the sense of "how-could-you-know-that?" As he enveloped me in a hug, I was just thankful I didn't have to explain. He just knew.

It will never cease to amaze me how sometimes your friends just know. Even when you haven't talked in months, they know. They don't want an explanation unless you want to give it. And when you do, they are all ears.

I have the best friends in the world.